Myanmar is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world, a total of 39 known deadly species that include vipers, cobras and kraits. The Russell’s viper is responsible for most snakebite deaths in Myanmar, accounting for up to 80 percent of all fatalities. The symptoms of a Russell’s viper bite differ greatly to those of other snakes. There is prominent oozing of blood from the bite mark, with intense pain in the surrounding area. Within 20 minutes, it is common to see blood around the gums; within 30 minutes, the regional lymph node begins to swell.
The Ministry of Health says new figures show an increase in bites to 13,000 a year, with a fatality rate of just two percent. Lead researcher and now retired director general of the DMRLM, who compiled the bibliography on snakebite in Myanmar, Dr Tun Pe, stands by his research figure of 10,000 snakebite deaths, which he collected from hospital-based evidence. |