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Registry of Snake Bite Victims on the Cards - Tamil Nadu

Chennai: Last year, at least 300 persons were reported to have died of snake bites in the State, and around 7,000 others treated for the same in government hospitals.

Though various wings of the health department collect information on snake bite victims, the State does not have a comprehensive registry to fall back on.

Director of public health K. Kulandaisamy said the directorate has proposed to start a registry.

In December of last year alone, hospitals under the directorate of medical services recorded around 1,427 cases of snakebites and four deaths. The other deaths were reported from primary health centres, data collected from health agencies revealed.

Private hospitals buy the anti-venom vials either from TNMSC or from manufacturers. Doctors say a comprehensive registry would also provide epidemiological data.

Journal of EMS Medicine




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