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Longtime Firefighter the Face of First Aid in Sherman

A first responder since 1961, he's pretty comfortable in an ambulance, too.

"It's really a group effort. It's about working as a team," said Crane, 70, who for decades has heavily been involved in emergency medical services. "It's just something that I really enjoy." Crane knew early on he wanted to help others; he took a first aid class in 1966 and an emergency medical technician class in 1971. Hoping to advance his skills in emergency services, Crane became one of the first firefighters in Sherman to become an advanced emergency medical technician. He has retained his critical care status ever since. "I think it's important to keep up-to-date and learn new things," Crane told The Post-Journal inside the fire department.

Following a 13-month stint in Korea with the Army, Crane returned to Sherman. Aside from working at a local mill early on in his life, Crane got a full-time job at WCA Hospital as an emergency room technician. He held the job for 20 years, helping staff with patients in the ER.

Journal of EMS Medicine




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