It is unfortunate that Uttarakhand had to face landslides and flash floods yet again this week, hampering relief operations. Experts estimate that it will take between 3 to 10 years for the State to get back to “business as usual”. In many cases, when business leaves it may never return.
The NDMA provides an online inventory of resources such as life-saving boats, critical medical supplies and other resources needed for disaster response in all the districts across the country. Even if we assume the data to be accurate, the meagre resources available are inadequate to handle even a minor calamity. Rudraprayag had 12 life-jackets.
Only one trauma specialist has been identified for the whole of Bangalore Urban and Rural. In Shimoga district of Karnataka, there are no doctors or paramedics identified. Considering India’s vulnerability, it is frustrating that there is no system for predicting cloud-bursts. |